Monday, September 30, 2013

We finally got our stuff!!!!!!

I'm sorry for not blogging lately....but we've been busy unpacking!!!

I didn't think I'd ever be so happy to unpack boxes in my life.  It's been over 2 months since we've slept in our own bed so this was a very exciting day!

The movers were scheduled to come at 8am and the other company who handles the temp furniture we've been living with gave me a window of 7:30-11am, so we knew there would be a little overlap, but we didn't care...we just wanted our things!!

The day started great....the moving truck pulled up around 7:40am and they waited until exactly 8am to ring our doorbell.

And after 2 cups of coffee-
I. was. ready.

and so were they....
{this was 1/3 of the guys who showed up to move-they brought 10!}

{sayoonara temp furniture}

{1st item I saw = broken}


{sweet Japanese guys fixed it!}

{packed guest room closet}
{most boxes gone-let the organization begin}
Other than what you see here, only a few things came broken, so we were relieved.  All the major things (aka-things we really care about) came in one piece.  It probably looks like a disaster, but we are actually almost completely done!  

These guys ROCKED.  
I've never experienced a move like this-10 guys moved all of our stuff in 3 hours.  Break included.
Simply amazing.  

I'll post pictures once everything is organized and finished. :)

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