Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Misawa City-Hachinohe tour Part 1: Shinto Shrine

Every Friday the base takes all new Misawa residents on a tour of the city and a neighboring town, Hachinohe.  It gave us a good idea of what's around us!  First stop was the cultural center where a few locals talked to us about all things Japan: travel, food, language and events.  They even fed us our first sushi!

Next up was a Shinto Shrine in Hachinhoe.   A shinto shrine is not used for worship, but to hold sacred objects.  This particular shrine was originally built in 1222, however most of the buildings have been rebuilt over the years.   The grounds are covered with Japanese cedar trees, one even over 700 years old!
Jeff performing the cleansing ritual-done before you enter.
Torii gate.  You enter beneath, never around

The local soccer team left their roster and schedule for good luck!

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