Sunday, September 29, 2013

Tiger, Tiger Woods y'all!

We had a BEAUTIFUL weekend here in Misawa!  Fall temperatures are here and we're loving it.

My new friend Erin asked me last week if we play golf.
Hmmmmmm.....well......if by we, you mean Jeff and I, you all know that's a no.

Jeff does.  I've attempted.  I think I'm better at being the cart girl.  :)~

But I'm definitely up for anything and knew we would have a great time!

{At least I look the part}

{here we go!}
{putting pros}
{watch out Tiger}
{no problem}


{it was a beautiful day for golf}

BTW-Erin and I discovered they give FREE lessons-she doesn't need them AT. ALL.-so watch out Tiger, we're coming for you!!

It was an amazing day and we'll definitely be going again!

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