Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Misawa-Hachinohe tour Part 2: Super Asahi

After the shinto shrine, we drove to the Hachinohe fish market which is definitely a sight!  We didn't have much time there and we were so busy looking at everything I totally forgot to take pictures!  But we've decided to go back soon so a full report is coming. :)

Onto the Super Asahi.
Think Walmart meets Dillard's.  Without people shopping in their pajama's.

Seriously, this is a big department store with an equally large grocery store attached.   There's everything from Adidas track suits to Hello Kitty notepads to fresh fish to beer...lots of beer.  It was awesome looking at everything!

This was a quarter of their beer selection

The largest bottle of whisky we'd ever seen.  It had to be more than 1 gal!

Their version of box wine :)

An energy drink.  


We picked these little guys.

yep...almonds and fishes.... I don't care if they are only about $1,  I could not bring myself to try these.

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